Genius Loci Norr_somewhere in the Swedish North, where scientists watch glaciers melt (2) copy.jpg
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Anastasia Savinova

is a Russian artist based in Umeå, Sweden, whose work often incorporates images of vernacular buildings and remote landscapes in the construction of fantastical, but surprisingly believable, photomontages. Educated in Environmental Design at Samara State Architectural University, she has held artist residencies in Sweden, Norway, Romania and Spain. Her grants and awards include the Sparbankenstiftelse Norrland grant, international exchange grants from Konstnärsnämnden and Nordic Culture Point, and recognition by Resurscentrum för konst in Sweden and Premio Especial Incubarte V in Valencia, Spain. Savinova’s work has been shown and performed in Sweden and internationally, including at Bildmuseet, Konstmuseet i Norr, Museum of Women in History, Norrbottens Museum, Umeå Konsthall, Ajtte Museum, Sundsvalls Museum in Sweden, MUViM in Valencia, Kunstwerk Carlshütte in Büdelsdorf, Germany, and König Gallery in London, UK. Her work is held in Moderna Museet’s collection in Stockholm, numerous regional and municipal collections in Sweden, and private collections worldwide.